CMS packages

04 April 2017   |  General News

When creating a new website one of the more difficult questions is what CMS to use to develop the site.

For sites that are full of large photos and which has to look graphically stunning a wordpress site is often used. This CMS is great for displaying graphics.

For a site which has functional data we would suggest using our own CMS as this is whizzing quick for the customers browsing the site. Large amounts of data can be displayed with very high performance.

For ecommerce sites the choice is similar Wordpress and WooCommerce for grahically rich sites and our own Ecommerce CMS for large amounts of products.

We have sites on our own CMS running 6000 products and the CMS is capable of a muliple of this.

The Wordpress Woocommerce combo is more suited to a lower amount of products but hundreds is still possible.


Please contact us to discuss your requirements for Web design and web hosting